Ed Kulis

SacL5 Meeting 1/14/23

AgendaNOTE: No in-person meeting this month. Website: Meeting Call: Sacramento L5 Society, Local Chapter, National Space SocietyWhere: Virtual presence only, via ZoomWhen: Saturday, January 14th, 2023, 5:00-6:30 PM

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Ed Kulis

Water Rocket Physics

Water rockets are fun toys for people of all ages, even adults. They work based on a simple physics concept in which water is forced

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Ed Kulis

SacL5 Meeting 12/10/22

Agenda HAPPY HOLIDAYS!  Website: Meeting Call: Sacramento L5 Society, Local Chapter, National Space SocietyWhere: Virtual presence only, via ZoomWhen: Saturday, December 10th, 2022, 5:00-6:30 PM Pacific Standard

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Ed Kulis

SacL5 Meeting 11/12/22

AgendaWebsite: Meeting Call: Sacramento L5 Society, Local Chapter, National Space SocietyWhere: Virtual presence only, via ZoomWhen: Saturday, November 11th, 2022, 5:00-7:30 PM Pacific Standard Time Pre-Zoom notes:•These meetings

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Ed Kulis

SacL5 Meeting 10/8/22

Agenda Website:  Meeting Call: Sacramento L5 Society, Local Chapter, National Space Society Where: Virtual presence only, via Zoom When: Saturday, October 8, 2022, 5:00-7:30 PM Pacific Daylight

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Ed Kulis

SacL5 Meeting 9/11/22

Agenda:  Website: Meeting Call: Sacramento L5 Society, Local Chapter, National Space SocietyWhere: Virtual presence only, via ZoomWhen: Saturday, August 13th, 2022, 5:00-7:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time(Note: Pacific

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Ed Kulis

SacL5 Meeting 7/9/22

Agenda:  5:00-5:10  Begin regular meeting: Margin for everyone to arrive/greeting of new members. 5:10-6:00  Updates/general chapter business: President’s & Treasurer’s report. (Joe Bland, Ed Kulis)

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Ed Kulis

SacL5 Meeting 4/9/22

Meeting Call: Sacramento L5 Society, Local Chapter, National Space SocietyWhere: Virtual presence only, via ZoomWhen: Saturday, April 9th, 2022, 5:00-7:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time(Note: Pacific Daylight Time started

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Ed Kulis

SacL5 Meetings and Directions

The Sacramento L5 Society meets Each Month on the Second Saturday. Come Join Us! To join monthly Zoom meetings email: Joe Bland To join the Sacramento

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Ed Kulis

The Archaeology Of The Space Age

We’ve been space now 55 years. Time to think about preserving history. Check out Lisa’s work. Senior author of The Final Mission: Preserving NASA’s Apollo Sites

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Ed Kulis

James Webb Space Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a space telescope designed primarily to conduct infrared astronomy. The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) led

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Ed Kulis

NASA – Flying Cars

Advanced Air Mobility Mission Overview NASA’s vision for Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Mission is to help emerging aviation markets to safely develop an air transportation

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Mission Control
Ed Kulis

SacL5 Meeting 11/13/21

Notes Breakfast on the Moon Apollo 17 49th Anniversary planned for 12/11/21 Christine Noemi will coordinate Chapter Report to NSS Due soon Ed working with

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Ed Kulis

Alyssa Carson, Space Advocate

From Wikipedia, Alyssa Carson In 2014, Carson was the first person to complete the “NASA Passport Program” visiting each of NASA’s fourteen visitor centers across nine states.

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Ed Kulis

What is a Lagrange Point?

What are they? Our Sacramento L5 Society is named for the Lagrange Point EML5. Just like the illustration above for the Sun Earth Lagrange Points

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NSS Resources List for Chapters

NSS Chapters Resources List: National Space Society Main Website: NSS Statement of Philosophy: Members Only link to Inside NSS: Social Media Request

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Mission Control
Ed Kulis

Apollo 15 Video Breakfast on the Moon

Apollo 15 celebration “Breakfast on the Moon” #5 On Saturday morning, August 7, NSS Chaptersʼ Assembly and NSS Chapter Sacramento L5 Society hosted the

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Ed Kulis

Goodnight Moonbase Kickstarter

Goodnight Moon Base Let’s bring bedtime *to* the moon every night. Our future on the moon becomes real through compelling scenes and rhymes. Click here

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Mission Control
Ed Kulis

SacL5 Zoom Meeting 10-Jul-21

Meets 2nd Saturday 5pm Pacific Time each month. Email Joseph Bland  for Zoom Details. Topics: Sierra Space  JP Aerospace, StarLink 42,000 Satellites in Equatorial Orbit

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Mission Control
Ed Kulis

Apollo 14 Breakfast On the Moon Video

This is the fourth “Breakfast On The Moon” Apollo mission virtual celebration sponsored by the National Space Society Chapters’ Assembly and the Sacramento L5 Society

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Ed Kulis

Space X – ISS Docking Simulator

SPACEX – ISS Docking Simulator https://iss-sim.spacex.comThis simulator will familiarize you with the controls of the actual interface used by NASA Astronauts to manually pilot the SpaceX Dragon 2 vehicle to

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Ed Kulis

NSS India World Space Week In Progress!

The link of webinar for YouTube Live is: See List Of Events OrganizersAkhil – –  

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Ed Kulis

How To Blog to the SacL5 Site

The SacramentoL5Society uses Word Press and the editor plugin called Elementor. Elementor provides the tools to buld a website that is very simple to update

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Ed Kulis

The Power of Space Debris

Since the beginning of spaceflight, over 9,000 satellites have been launched into orbit. Along with every satellite, there is around 100,000 tonnes of space debris,

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Ed Kulis

Space X – The Dragon Returns

Space X – The Dragon Returns CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule cruised into its home port on Friday evening (Aug. 7), secured to one of

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Mission Control
Ed Kulis

Introduction to Blog Posting

This PDF document contains the things you need to know to post to the SacramentoL5Society website. Use it as a reference to the basic elements

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