SacL5 Meeting 10/8/22

Agenda Website:  Meeting Call: Sacramento L5 Society, Local Chapter, National Space Society Where: Virtual presence only, via Zoom When: Saturday, October 8, 2022, 5:00-7:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time (Note: Pacific Daylight Time…

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SacL5 Meeting 9/11/22

Agenda:  Website: Meeting Call: Sacramento L5 Society, Local Chapter, National Space SocietyWhere: Virtual presence only, via ZoomWhen: Saturday, August 13th, 2022, 5:00-7:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time(Note: Pacific Daylight Time started March 13th)Pre-Zoom…

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SacL5 Meeting 7/9/22

Agenda:  5:00-5:10  Begin regular meeting: Margin for everyone to arrive/greeting of new members. 5:10-6:00  Updates/general chapter business: President’s & Treasurer’s report. (Joe Bland, Ed Kulis) Update on SacL5 website (Ed…

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SacL5 Meeting 4/9/22

Meeting Call: Sacramento L5 Society, Local Chapter, National Space SocietyWhere: Virtual presence only, via ZoomWhen: Saturday, April 9th, 2022, 5:00-7:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time(Note: Pacific Daylight Time started March 13th)Pre-Zoom notes: • These…

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Apollo 15 Video Breakfast on the Moon

Apollo 15 celebration "Breakfast on the Moon" #5 Saturday morning, August 7, NSS Chaptersʼ Assembly and NSS Chapter Sacramento L5 Society hosted the fifth in their ongoing series of…

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Apollo 14 Breakfast on the Moon FEB 6

Please mark your calendars! On Saturday morning, February 6th, NSS Chaptersʼ Assembly and the Sacramento L5 Society NSS chapter will host the fourth in their ongoing series celebrating the various…

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