SacL5 Meeting 5/11/24

Meeting NotesHome Page: SacramentoL5Society.orgSacL5 Officers: Joe Bland President, Jan Rosten VP, Ed Kulis Secretary (click name to email)Greetings – Attendees! Joeseph, Paul, Michael, Kris, Ed, JoeUpdates and General Chapter BusinessPresident’s and Treasurer’s Report(Joe Bland)About $10,000 in the account and…

Continue Reading SacL5 Meeting 5/11/24

SacL5 Meeting 4/13/24

Meeting NotesHome Page: SacramentoL5Society.orgSacL5 Officers: Joe Bland President, Jan Rosten VP, Ed Kulis Secretary (click name to email)Greetings – Attendees! Joe, Jan, Gregory, Michael, Eric, Ed, KrisUpdates and General Chapter BusinessPresident’s and Treasurer’s Report(Joe Bland)About $10,000 in the account…

Continue Reading SacL5 Meeting 4/13/24

SacL5 Meeting 3/9/24

Meeting NotesHome Page: SacramentoL5Society.orgSacL5 Officers: Joe Bland President, Jan Rosten VP, Ed Kulis Secretary (click name to email)Attendees: Michael, Gregory, Jayme, Joe, Joseph, Jan, Paul, Eric, EdGreetings - New Attendees!Gregory Liscomb (from Visalia, CA…

Continue Reading SacL5 Meeting 3/9/24

SacL5 Meeting 2/10/23

Meeting NotesHome Page: SacramentoL5Society.orgSacL5 Officers: Joe Bland President, Jan Rosten VP, Ed Kulis Secretary (click name to email)Greetings - New Attendees!Joe Beauchamp (very old friend of Robert Compton touching base after many years)Richard G.…

Continue Reading SacL5 Meeting 2/10/23

SacL5 Meeting 1/13/24

Meeting NotesHome Page: SacramentoL5Society.orgGreetingsJayme is a new attendee! She found SacL5 as the closest chapter to her location. She's a member of the NSS and enjoys a NASA checking account.…

Continue Reading SacL5 Meeting 1/13/24

SacL5 Meeting 12/09/23

Meeting NotesHome Page: SacramentoL5Society.orgGreetingsUpdates and General Chapter BusinessPresident's and Treasurer's Report(Joe Bland)Time again for yearly dues $35 from each memberYearly election of officers vote completePresident, Treasurer: Joe BlandVice President: Jan…

Continue Reading SacL5 Meeting 12/09/23

SacL5 Meeting 11/11/23

Meeting Notes Home Page: SacL5 Zoom meeting minutes for 11112023 - Joseph Bland Participants: Joe Bland (P, T) Eric James Jan Roston Michael Abramson Paul Turner (VP) Treasurer’s report…

Continue Reading SacL5 Meeting 11/11/23

SacL5 Meeting 10/14/23

Meeting Notes Home Page: Greetings See our Contact page for more information about members Richard Parks, first attendance formerly of the Arizona Chapter. - Richard is working on  Michael…

Continue Reading SacL5 Meeting 10/14/23