What is a Lagrange Point?
What are they?Our Sacramento L5 Society is named for the Lagrange Point EML5. Just like the illustration above for the Sun Earth Lagrange Points the Earth and the Moon have…
Moon features, missions, activities.
What are they?Our Sacramento L5 Society is named for the Lagrange Point EML5. Just like the illustration above for the Sun Earth Lagrange Points the Earth and the Moon have…
Apollo 15 celebration "Breakfast on the Moon" #5 https://youtu.be/zQyxB0A5hE0On Saturday morning, August 7, NSS Chaptersʼ Assembly and NSS Chapter Sacramento L5 Society hosted the fifth in their ongoing series of…
SUNLIGHT HAS A COUPLE OF ADVANTAGES OVER YOUR TRADITIONAL GAS AND COAL. IT’S cheap, it’s powerful, and there’s a lot of it. But there’s a barrier to entry — to…
Breakfast on the Moon #5 Webinar Is a Go for Launch August 7, 2021 National Space Society When: Saturday, August 7, 2021, 7:00-8:30 AM PDT Topic: Breakfast on the Moon…
This is the fourth "Breakfast On The Moon" Apollo mission virtual celebration sponsored by the National Space Society Chapters' Assembly and the Sacramento L5 Society chapter. In this Breakfast, we…
We celebrate our Breakfast's on the Moon on or around the 50th Anniversaries of the original Apollo Missions. So look for announcements about the upcoming Breakfast's and plan to join…
We here at the Sacramento L5 Society are pleased to be mentioned again in the National Space Society magazine "Ad Astra." Joe Bland our president is also the Chairman of…
Click here to watch on YouTube or below to watch here. https://youtu.be/cw7zKERsRNs
NASA's Live Stream About What Happened on Apollo 13 Click here or below for the video
All are invited to view the APOLLO 13 presentation: What Happened and Why? by Owen Brown, Scientific Systems Company, Inc. This can be viewed on YouTubeLive on starting Friday, April…