- Meeting Notes
Home Page: SacramentoL5Society.org
SacL5 Officers: Joe Bland President, Jan Rosten VP, Ed Kulis Secretary/Website Admin (click name to email)
Mission – Why We Exist
- Help enthusiasts find ways to contribute.
- Provide sources of enabling training to facilitate engineering prototyping.
- Establish a clearinghouse for the ongoing objective analysis of proposed space development technologies.
- Greetings – Attendees!
- Joe Bland, Paul Turner, Ed Kulis, Jan Rosten, Michael Abramson
Discussion and vote on officers.* (Joe Bland)
The following members were nominated for offices:
- President: Joe Bland
- Vice President: Jan Rosten
- Secretary: Ed Kulis
- Joseph Bland <[email protected]> or Jan Roston <[email protected]>
- You may submit yourself for nomination for one of these offices within one week of receipt of these minutes provided you are a member in good standing of NSS.
- You may vote for the above nominees or other subsequently announced following dissemination of these meeting minutes
- You may change your votes up until the end of the next Sacramento L5 Society monthly meeting scheduled for February 8, 2025 at 6 PM PST.
- Joseph Bland <[email protected]> or Jan Roston <[email protected]>
- To vote, you are required to be either an NSS member in good standing (i.e., paid NSS dues) or a SacL5 member in good standing (i.e., paid SacL5 dues, presently $30).
- To run for office, you need to (a) be an NSS member in good standing (per NSS rules) and (b) be willing to attend most virtual SacL5 monthly meetings.
- if you wish to run for an office, please let Jan and Joe know within the next week.)
- NSS has no position on Chapter Members but Chapter Officers must be members of the NSS.
- – Discussion and vote on changing yearly dues. (Joe Bland)
- No change to the dues. They will remain $30 per year due in January
- – Discussion and vote on changing the SacL5 monthly meeting time and/or day. (Eric James and Joe Bland)
- For convenience in scheduling dinners the meetings will henceforth begin at 6pm on the second Saturday of the month and last 90 minutes
Meeting Business
- President’s & Treasurer’s report. (Joe Bland)
- Status of “frozen”checking account.
- Original checking account was frozen after a phishing attack. No funds were lost.
- A new bank account is necessary to unfreeze the funds in the original account.
- Funds are available for withdrawal and transfer to a new account
- Status of “new” checking account.
- Some good possibilities for interest bearing accounts
- Opening new account requires paper work from NSS verifying that SacL5 is a non-profit under NSS.
- Joe following up on obtaining that paper work. Present new NSS leadership policies and the resulting changeovers in NSS leadership positions is complicating the resolution of this issue.
- Update on SacL5 website. (Ed Kulis)
- No change this month on website: https://sacramentol5society.nss.org/
- NSS Chapters’ Assembly. Note: NSS CA is independent of NSS. (Jan Roston),
- No info – Jan will attend next meeting
- NSSCA chapter resources subcommittee. (Ed Kulis)
- Ed will work with Perri on next newsletter
- NSS Chapter Committee (Joe Bland)
- No current information presented.
- Karlton Johnson is the new CEO NSS & Chairman National Space Society Board of Governors. He is replacing Anita Gale, who died suddenly last year, and was a stalwart supporter of NSS Chapters and their independence. Mr. Johnson appears to be more oriented towards controlling Chapters and “protecting” the NSS brand.
- https://nss.org/karlton-johnson-biography/
- Karlton Johnson is the new CEO NSS & Chairman National Space Society Board of Governors. He is replacing Anita Gale, who died suddenly last year, and was a stalwart supporter of NSS Chapters and their independence. Mr. Johnson appears to be more oriented towards controlling Chapters and “protecting” the NSS brand.
- Update on activity in XHS school contact and the SacL5 Minicube Build Grant Program (Ed Kulis)
- No response from Xavier Hight School
- Will no longer attempt to contact XHS
- Will work with them if they showed a committed interest
- Update on activity in SES school contact and the “Sacramento L5 Society’s MiniCube Grant Program” (Paul Turner)
- Paul will contact SES school regarding interest and activity
- • Update on moving SacL5 funds into an interest-bearing account (Joe Bland)
- See above “Status of “new” checking account.
Old Business
- Development of White Paper on an “Open Space Organization (OSO) (Michael Abramson)
- Michael presented the current state of the proposed white paper.
- We will look for other names since “Open Space Organization” has awkward connotations and “Outer Space Organization”
- may be in use by other organizations.
- Here are a few alternative suggested by Michael and Joe:
- Open Outer Space Organization (OOSO)
- United Outer Space Organization (UOSO)
- Space Development Organization (SDO)
- Space Developers Organization (SDO)
- Outer Space Development Organization (OSDO)
- Outer Space Developers Organization (OSDO)
- United Space Development Organization (USDO)
- United Space Developers Organization (USDO)
- United Outer Space Development Organization (UOSDO)
- United Outer Space Developers Organization (UOSDO
- Organization of Outer Space Development (OOSD)
- Organization of Outer Space Developers (OOSD)
- Open Outer Space Organization (OOSO)
New Business (the attending members)
- Discuss starting items for a balloon flight device using one or two MiniCube flights (Ed Kulis, Paul Turner)
- Attendees received favorably the idea for a build of a device using the talents and interest of the SacL5 members.
- Preliminary objective defined as
- Video recording of surrounding on ballon assent and descent
- Elements of the effort will include:
- Video record of research and build
- Use of Arduino build kits
- Demonstration of publicly available CAD and 3D printing tools and services
- Ed Kulis and Paul Turner to head up investigation of this new direction
Discussion on “Space News Items” (the attending members)
- Imminent Blue Origin New Glenn Rocket Launch from Cape Canaveral Space Force Statio
- The company, founded by Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos, has been building toward this moment for years. Named after John Glenn, the first American astronaut to orbit the Earth, the New Glenn heavy lift rocket represents a leap forward for Blue Origin.
Update on member projects
- Update on Eric’s steam engine (Eric James)
- Eric has made progress on build of rocker arm steam engine model.
- Eric will provide more information and possibly pictures and/or videos for the next meeting. Here is a link to a YouTube video of a similar model:
- Update on potential NASA grant application and related subjects (Joe Bland)
- Joe’s patent applications on energy generation, storage, and distribution still in process
Meeting Details for each Months Meeting
Website: https://sacramentol5society.nss.org
Meeting Call: Sacramento L5 Society, Local Chapter, National Space Society
Where: Virtual presence only, via Zoom
When: Second Saturday, each month
Pre-Zoom notes:
•These meetings are recorded.
•Folks will be asked to briefly share their video, and phone callers asked to identify themselves.
•We use the “waiting room” format. If I keep you waiting, call me and bawl me out! 916-429-6252
Join Zoom meeting:
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kbdpRGEmNm
Meeting ID: 868 9868 4719
Passcode: Ask Joe Bland email
Chapter Library
- Tours
- NSS Headquarters at the Cape offers tours of Kennedy Space Center
- Paul Turner Books
- See Paul Turner’s Publications at Cle Curbo on Spotify and Space Trade Update
- Quest for Sylvane to buy: Amazon.com Services LLC. To learn more: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BFK3R5JK/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_4GW4RK0NG26WJWD29GYA
- In the Garden of Mistress Bloom – Awarding winning SciFi Stories
- A debut collection of short sci-fi fiction that explores time and space with mischievous humor.
- JP Aerospace
- Tours
- NSS Headquarters at the Cape offers tours of Kennedy Space Center
- Breakfast on the Moon Series
- SacL5 YouTube Breakfast on the Moon Series
- The YouTube channel contains the series of video conferences that SacL5 organized from 2019 through 2023 to celebrate each of the Apollo Lunar Landing Missions.
- Websites – Cool Links
- Dark Sky Festival
- Meet the artist that shot a bouquet of flowers 30,000 meters into space | CNN
- A Japanese Artist Launches Plants Into Space (nytimes.com)
- Homepage | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center
- Webb’s Jupiter Images Showcase Auroras, Hazes – James Webb Space Telescope
- Andry Astronaut You Tube
- NASA Cube Sats
- Dream Chaser
- Books
- Rebecca Doyle is the Author of Our Moon
- Rebecca is a journalist covering the cosmos, with a focus on astronomy, space exploration, and history.
- The late Robert Compton, our SacL5 founder. published a Physics text book like no other.
- Design Notes Log G,O.D (General Operations Director)
- This is a text book like no other. It follows the mental processes of the lonely Creator, defining matter to enhance the experience of existence and then creating time to distinguish matter as it moves. The logic continues in this way to build the intuition and demonstrate the mathematics required in the first few years of college physics courses.
- Some of you may remember that thrill. as you learned the calculus of derivatives providing the symbols that could move the static structures of algebra through the pictures in your mind. Compton’s book continues this thrilling awe that mathematics creates as its symbols correspond mostly to the universe with enough accuracy to create houses and steeples and medicine and instruments to travel beyond the clouds and deep into atoms.
- Design Notes Log G,O.D (General Operations Director)
- A Traveler’s Guide to the Stars” by Les Johnson – Realistic discussions of crewed starship designs / timeframes for a feasible trip to Proxima Centuri in a reasonable amount of time
- “The Sparrow” by Mary Doria Russell – A SciFi novel about the first contact and a a trip to meet singing aliens living near Proxima Centuri. The meeting does not go well.
- The Alice Network – Women Spies in World War 1
- Fly Girls – How Five Daring Women Defied All Odds and Made Aviation History
- Goodnight Moon Base – What if every bedtime was a powerful inspiration for your child’s future?
- Rebecca Doyle is the Author of Our Moon
- Media
- Moonfall – Leave your physics back at home but if you like a series of mostly predictable travails to reflect dim light on your popcorn then go for it.
- Start Trek: Strange New Worlds – “Quality of Mercy” – Last episode of Season 1. Rich characters, deep references, thoughtful reflection on what qualities are mercy
- The Orville: New Horizons – Comedy but good
- Star Trek: Discovery – No universe too big to save and of course, need to save all multi-verses through all time…
- Severance – Hmm…, might that enthusiasm for work, plaques, and quarterly pizza parties really be for someone else?